Keberlanjutan dalam Agroindustri

Bumi Farm adalah sebuah usaha agroindustri berlokasi di Kabupaten Garut - Jawa Barat yang mengedepankan prinsip keberlanjutan dan sinergi antara sektor peternakan dan pertanian organik. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan kontribusi positif bagi ekosistem pertanian dengan mengembangkan dua unit usaha utama, yaitu Bumi Sapiqu Farm dan Bumi Verm. Dengan pendekatan holistik dan inovatif, Bumi Farm tidak hanya fokus pada kualitas produk, tetapi juga pada keseimbangan lingkungan serta kesejahteraan hewan ternak.

Bumi Sapiqu

Kualitas produk dan kesejahteraan hewan ternak.

Pendekatan holistik untuk pertanian berkelanjutan.

Inovasi dalam agroindustri yang ramah lingkungan.

Bumi Verm
Pertanian Organik

Tentang Bumi Farm

Kami mengedepankan keberlanjutan dan sinergi antara peternakan dan pertanian organik untuk ekosistem yang lebih baik.

Layanan Bumi Farm

Kami menyediakan produk pertanian dan peternakan organik yang berkelanjutan dan berkualitas tinggi.

Bumi Sapiqu Farm

Bumi Sapiqu Farm adalah unit usaha yang berfokus pada pengembangan peternakan sapi daging dan sapi perah. Dengan standar peternakan modern dan ramah lingkungan, kami menyediakan daging sapi berkualitas tinggi serta susu sapi segar yang dihasilkan dari sapi-sapi yang dirawat dengan baik. Setiap sapi yang ada di peternakan kami dipelihara dengan pakan alami berkualitas dan lingkungan yang bersih, sehingga menghasilkan produk yang tidak hanya lezat tetapi juga sehat dan bernutrisi tinggi.

Bumi Verm

Bumi Verm adalah unit usaha yang bergerak di bidang budidaya cacing dan produksi vermikompos. Dengan fokus pada teknologi pertanian berkelanjutan, Bumi Verm mengolah limbah organik dari peternakan untuk menghasilkan pupuk organik berkualitas tinggi. Pupuk ini sangat bermanfaat untuk menyuburkan tanah, meningkatkan hasil panen, dan memperbaiki struktur tanah, sekaligus mengurangi ketergantungan pada pupuk kimia.

Agroindustri Berkelanjutan

Mengintegrasikan pertanian organik dan peternakan untuk ekosistem yang seimbang dan produktif.

Galeri Bumi

Menampilkan keindahan agroindustri dan kesejahteraan hewan ternak.

An aerial view of a lush, green agricultural field situated on a hillside, with rows of crops and several palm trees scattered throughout. In the distance, there is a dense forested area and hints of a city skyline under a clear blue sky. A small building or shed is visible near the crops.
An aerial view of a lush, green agricultural field situated on a hillside, with rows of crops and several palm trees scattered throughout. In the distance, there is a dense forested area and hints of a city skyline under a clear blue sky. A small building or shed is visible near the crops.
A large agricultural field with rows of green crops planted in neat lines, surrounded by trees in the distance. The landscape appears lush and well-maintained.
A large agricultural field with rows of green crops planted in neat lines, surrounded by trees in the distance. The landscape appears lush and well-maintained.
A lush green agricultural field with men and women working amidst the crops. The landscape is dotted with palm trees and a distant mountain range under a clear sky. Various poles are erected throughout the field, and there are signs of water irrigation.
A lush green agricultural field with men and women working amidst the crops. The landscape is dotted with palm trees and a distant mountain range under a clear sky. Various poles are erected throughout the field, and there are signs of water irrigation.
Several people are engaged in agricultural work, gathering and processing crops on a field. The setting is outdoors with grassy and hilly terrain in the background. There are bundles of harvested plants, sacks possibly filled with grains, and plastic bottles on the ground.
Several people are engaged in agricultural work, gathering and processing crops on a field. The setting is outdoors with grassy and hilly terrain in the background. There are bundles of harvested plants, sacks possibly filled with grains, and plastic bottles on the ground.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Bumi Farm berkomitmen untuk sustainability, kualitas, dan kesejahteraan hewan.

Kualitas produk Bumi Farm sangat baik, serta lingkungan yang seimbang dan sehat.

Agus Kusmana
An aerial view of a lush green landscape featuring dense clusters of palm trees surrounding a structured garden area with various sections of cultivated soil. There are greenhouses and scattered buildings among the trees, indicating an organized agricultural or permaculture operation.
An aerial view of a lush green landscape featuring dense clusters of palm trees surrounding a structured garden area with various sections of cultivated soil. There are greenhouses and scattered buildings among the trees, indicating an organized agricultural or permaculture operation.

Kabupaten Garut

Saya sangat menghargai usaha Bumi Farm yang memperhatikan kesejahteraan hewan dan keberlanjutan. Produk yang dihasilkan sangat berkualitas dan ramah lingkungan. Saya merekomendasikannya!

A lush agricultural landscape with rows of green leafy vegetables growing in the foreground. In the midground, a small wooden shed is surrounded by poles, possibly used for supporting plants. Background features rolling hills and dense green forests under a blue sky with some cloud cover.
A lush agricultural landscape with rows of green leafy vegetables growing in the foreground. In the midground, a small wooden shed is surrounded by poles, possibly used for supporting plants. Background features rolling hills and dense green forests under a blue sky with some cloud cover.
Wira Mulyana

Kota Garut
